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TCI domesticates 2024 WTD theme for Nigeria

LAGOS, NIGERIA –Tourists Club International (TCI) incorporated in Nigeria has domesticated the theme of the 2024 World Tourism Day for Nigeria, adopting the landmark speech of the late Maitama Sule on Peace and Justice.

In a press statement released September 27, 2024, and signed by Dr Osa Mbonu-Amadi, President of Tourists Club International, to mark the 2024 World Tourism Day, TCI said it has domesticated for Nigeria the landmark speech made by the late Alhaji Maitama Sule which centred on justice as pre-requisite for peace:

The statement read: “Given that the United Nations have adopted the theme for the 2024 World Tourism Day as “Tourism and Peace”, TCI deems the late Maitama Sule’s speech on Peace and Justice most fitting as Nigeria’s version of the global theme.

“Nine years ago, in 2015, Northern Elders, led by former Nigeria’s permanent representative at the United Nations, the late Alhaji Maitama Sule, visited the then President-elect, retired Major-General Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja to congratulate him. It was on that occasion that the late Maitama Sule made the following historical speech in form of advice to the president-elect:

“With justice, you can rule Nigeria well. Justice, is the key.

“If you do justice to all and sundry – and I say all and sundry – because Allah says if you are going to judge between people, do justice, irrespective of their tribe, religion or even political inclination; justice must be done to whosoever deserves it.

“Power can remain in the hands of an infidel if he is just and fair. But power will not remain in the hands of a believer if he is unfair and unjust.

“Behind every crisis anywhere in the world is injustice, and the solution to that crisis is justice.

“The world itself can never be governed by force, never by fear, even never by power.

“In the end, what governs is the mind. What conquers is the spirit. And the weapons of governing the mind and conquering the spirit are justice and fair play. Justice!

“I am not asking you to discriminate against any part of Nigeria. But I am asking you to do justice to all parts of Nigeria.

“Justice will bring about peace. Peace and stability are the pre-requisites of development. Development will bring employment. With employment, you will not have idle people.

“An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. An idle mind thinks nothing but evil, it plans nothing but evil, it wants to do nothing but evil. Justice, justice, will do away with all these.

“Do justice to us, do justice to them, do justice to everybody. Allah will reward you for that.

“There are certain things that people may say, perhaps, (for) political consideration. Well Mr. President, it is God that you should always have at the back of your mind.

“For you believe that one day you will stand before God to account for all that you have done.

“I would rather that you will disappoint people than disappoint your great Creator.

“And may God grant that you will do that which will please God.”

Unfortunately, with the benefit of hindsight, it is obvious that former President Buhari never heed Sule’s wise counsel, hence peace has continued to elude Nigeria, stifling her tourism sector.

We hereby state categorically that Maitama Sule’s advice for Nigeria’s former president is as relevant today as it was 9 years ago.

As we domesticate the global 2024 WTD theme, “Tourism and Peace”, for Nigeria, using the late Alhaji Maitama Sule’s epochal speech, we also recommend the same advice to the current president of Nigeria, Alhaji Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Maitama Sule’s advice is a panacea for peace, not only in Nigeria,but in the entire world. Without justice, peace will be impossible; and without peace, tourism will suffer.

In his message to the world on the 2024 World Tourism Day, titled “Tourism and Peace”, António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General stated that tourism brings people together:

“On this World Tourism Day, we reflect on the profound connection between tourism and peace. Sustainable tourism can transform communities – creating jobs, fostering inclusion and strengthening local economies.

“By valuing and preserving cultural and natural heritage, it can help reduce tensions and nurture peaceful coexistence. Tourism can also promote economic interdependence between neighbours, encouraging cooperation and peaceful development.

“At the same time, tourism broadens horizons. Every traveller can be an ambassador, engaging respectfully with local populations, recognizing our diversity and shared humanity, and the values that unite us all. As we celebrate tourism, let us travel responsibly, build bridges, and promote mutual respect among cultures and nations.

“Together, we can harness the power of tourism to advance peace and prosperity for all,” the statement quoted António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General.

Tourists Club International was founded April 6, 2008 at BusinessDay Newspaper, Lagos Nigeria, to promote a lifestyle of tourism through organising tourism activities; promote arts and culture by sponsoring and participating in cultural festivals, arts and related ceremonies. TCI promotes the development, sustenance and preservation of tourism sites, events, activities, places and environment.

Other aims of TCI are dissemination of tourism information through publishing of online and offline newspapers and magazines, respecting and enhancing the historic heritage, authentic culture, tradition and distinctiveness of host communities.

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