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Putin Files fallout: Obidients reply Soyinka

By Osa Mbonu-Amadi 

Nobody would have believed that 88-year-old Professor Wole Soyinka would again descend to challenge Nigerian youths to another round of verbal duel, after being widely criticized for similarly challenging Dr. Yusuf-Datti, Peter Obi’s running mate in Nigeria’s 2023 presidential election, to a debate after he called Obi and Datti’s supporters known as Obidients, fascists. But that was exactly what happened last week at the launch of his book, The Putin Files: Excursions Around The Ideology Of Pain, in Lagos.

In a story titled “Soyinka chides ‘Obidients’ movement over attacks on him”, Premium Times quoted Soyinka as saying:

“So, some of those who thought they were being radical, they were being ‘mumu’ and playing the script of others. They thought they were tough, bold and original…

“I will not stand by it or keep silent. Impossible. Especially as I am more knowledgeable about these things than many people, even though they don’t admit it.

“They can go back to the internet, open their dictionary of abuses and start all over again. I will come back and tell them that you are ‘mumu’. You were not playing your script.”

Not known to shirk any challenge, the Obidients took to their Twitter handles to reply Soyinka. While some expressed their dismay that the old Soyinka would pick a fresh quarrel with the Obidients after their humble and peace-loving leader, Peter Obi, went out of his way to visit Soyinka over the first spat that arose after Soyinka called the Obidients fascists, others wondered why Soyinka is obsessed with the Obidient Movement, and why he could not concentrate on the launch of his book on Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship which is far better than the government of APC in Nigeria that Soyinka helped to bring to power and still supports.

Below are some of the tweets:

Babatunde Gbadamosi @BOGbadams, who has 57.2k followers and a profile that reads “a Lagosians with passion for development, urban regeneration and human capacity development; unapologetically Yoruba” tweeted:

It’s very sad to see renowned Yoruba intellectuals lending their minds and voices to the coordinated and insidious effort at gaslighting millions of young Nigerians fighting for their right to a better life against entrenched venal, avaricious, prebendal, murderous and ethno-religious oligarchies, some deeply rooted in lifetimes of rampant, devil-may-care criminality.

I’m shocked that the redefining of an ethnicity hitherto famed for their warmth, moral fibre and hospitality as a nation of wild-eyed, raving, prejudiced, drug-addled, irredeemably criminal bigots does not appear to be a cause of concern to them.

Instead, they choose to pretend this is not happening, and focus their unjustifiable ire, almost comically, on the victims of this ugly phenomenon and those of that ethnicity who refuse to go along with the trend to embrace and celebrate pure, unadulterated EVIL. Tragic.

Gbadamosi’s followers reply:

Well said. Maybe we are approaching a dangerous period in our national experience when ethnicity is nibbling at the foundation of intellectualism. But we’re consoled that there are still intellectuals like you from the SW who still weigh issues dispassionately without sentiments – Omini C.O @omimika.

The 2023 election revealed a lot about people y’all once thought were sane, “godly” & educated. The aforementioned [supposed] qualities couldn’t stop them from exuding the hates in their hearts – Remi Enikanologbon @Remimoses.

Most of these people sold their conscience for a pot of porridge – oreanjy @oreanjy.

It’s very sad indeed, but I believe at the end they’ll all come to bite their fingers – Steph. T. Akinsusi @STAkinsusi.

It’s sad sir. It’s as though this nation is irredeemably submerged in evil. Will Nigeria of our dreams ever emerge? – Uzo @uzoemesiani.

It’s a matter of time sir. The chickens must certainly come home to roost in a matter of time. All we pray for is life. It will all play out before our eyes – Ikechukwu.Gerald @ImechukwuGeral2.

That prof with white hair is not what he claims to be. He’s an ethnic jingoist and a dictator – ‘Biola @haderin.

Even a renowned professor tagged them as fascists; it’s really disappointing – Omo Oba @omoajigunna.

It is gory but expedient at the same time that they are all coming out of their putrid cocoons to show their true selves. This time Nigerians will not forget ever again. Thank God for awakened consciousness, patriotic nature and technology – Amalinz3 @Chimaluoke.

It’s best to ignore those people – Ifalade Oloruntoba @IfaladeO.

Growing up, I was made to understand that grey hair represents wisdom but… – Henry @Henry4rrr.

Wole Soyinka is corrupt too. He prefers Nigeria to remain in darkness as long as he’s doing well. You will be humble and respect him more if your lives are hard – Idris @Ade000111.

In a globalised world, we can only make progress when we ditch the deep-rooted tribal feelings for a de-tribalised national identify – Folake Vaughn @FolakeVaughn.

I respect Prof Wole Soyinka so much but his opinions on national discourse at times are somehow irritating – Omoniyi Isaac @OmoniyiIsaac2.

It’s very sad and worrisome. I really don’t why he has chosen to run that narrative, but one thing is sure: the youths know who truly loves them in Nigeria – Franklin Onwube @ Frankeelodeo.

The emergence of Peter Obi just exposed most of the things happening in Nigeria that people are blissfully unaware of. Some of the so-called elites don’t want the ‘poor people ‘ to be on equal or close pedestal with them. Many have been compromised unrepentantly – Rose Chika @RoseChika1.

Grey hair does not always signify wisdom. Let the youths continue their fight. They’re on the right side of history – Oluwakemi @i_am_agbeke.

For me, there is no justification of evil done by one man to another regardless of tribe, race or beliefs. We shouldn’t be seen encouraging tribal bigotry on any level. I love my Yoruba & Igbo brothers & I will hate to judge Wale by Bolaji’s mistake. We need to rise above this pls – The Elixir @dbaba79.

It baffles me a lot. The kind of respect I had for educated people just disappeared. This election really exposed many. I just wonder how some of them got their doctorates and professorships. Many of them don’t sound like the title they claim. It’s a pity – OmoAleYorubaObiDatti @VawulenceDG__

This is what corruption does to a society. When you have, at any point, compromised your integrity, then you have no choice. You must be blind to everything they do and even defend them in most cases – cuber @ndcuber.

Professors of consumption not production. Their education is a waste – Akaninyene Macauley @KANINYENEMACAU.

A lot of them see #obedientmovement as centered only around PO. But our core vision is to see Nigeria work for ALL, no matter where one comes from… — Yeside Akpabio @yessy_ak.

Prof. Wole Soyinka has lost it for trying to gaslight the #Obidients. #Obidients are only fighting for their mandate. But it seems he’s pained that they’re doing that. At his age, he’s happy the way the nation is in a mess – GBEMISOLA CFC @QUEENOFDBLUES1.

As a matter of fact, what we refer to or term as politics in this country is actually not politics but acts of hatred and selfishness – Sayofumi Modupe @oseunayofunme.

These ethnic warlords do not represent the Yoruba nation. The majority must stand up against this destructive bigotry and hate. Every group and individual that propagate hate fails. History is full of such failures e.g., Nazi hate against the Jews, etc. Yorubas must not allow these atrocities to continue.#defyhatenow – Elvis Chi Nwosu @OsloCouncilman.

I am numb with confusion & horror at how the corridors of power are inspired by errors, exaggerations & lies to mislead us. They planted seeds of ethnic & religious hatred just for political gains. We should be under no illusion, the political will to fix what is broken in this country is fully evaporated. It’s up to us to take our country from these greedy politicians and fix it ourselves.

There is no easy road to building a great nation. We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success. We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation- building, for the birth of a new country. Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, opportunity, security and prosperity for all.

Never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the nation. Let’s make nation-building a people’s movement. Let’s make plans for reconciliation & not for retribution. If we continue like this, I fear we’ll only end up in another civil war. This time it won’t be Igbos vs Nigeria; it’ll be ethnic vs ethnic. We don’t want Rwanda to happen to us.

It takes hundreds of years of hard work to build a civilization, and yet with the press of a button we can destroy it all in a day. We came very close to pressing that button. In fact, if we must destroy something let us destroy the very button of destruction, oppression, injustice, marginalization, discrimination & disunity, both from outside and inside.

A civilized community practices reason and warmth. We need to stop filibustering and start love-mustering. Disunity does not make a nation strong & progressive. Let’s quit this primitive mentality and build our nation. Together, we can surely make our mess our marvel. Let’s be the foundation for a better society, a humane society.

As a Yoruba guy;

1. Do I think Igbos in recent times have become somewhat aggressive? Yes.

2. Can I get angry at their aggressiveness? Yes.

3. Is their aggressiveness justifiable? Damn Yes!!. They were & are still being marginalized. They’ve been pushed to the wall, denied their rights to prosperity, their rights to citizenry, their rights to fair & equitable share of power. They weren’t always like this. They were peaceful during OBJ, Yar ’Adua & GEJ’s tenure. I can’t, in all honesty, fault their aggressiveness because it’s justifiable.

How can any sane southerner, especially we Yorubas, see them as bigots? Aside the fact that Obi is a pretty good candidate, do we in all sincerity expect them to support another Yoruba man taking a shot at the presidency, when they are the only southern sub-region that is yet to get the presidency?

It’ll be an act of hypocrisy to make Igbos objects of contempt, just because they wouldn’t support us. We’ve had 8 years of both president & VP. Now, we going another round. The earth shouldn’t revolve around us alone. Defiance of inclusion doesn’t actually ensure a nation’s unity & prosperity; it only halts a nation’s growth. Building a great and civilized country is no work of the weak-hearted or the prejudiced; it’s the work of humans without borders. We hold the power to build or ruin a thousand civilizations. Can we just build one! – Meykel Banks @Banks_Hoc.

Another influential Obidient, HIIKYAATOR, @HiiyaaTor, a quantity surveyor and project manager with 12.4k followers twitted:

Wole Soyinka is yet to comment on MC Oluomo, or the crazy elections in Lagos…. I am yet to hear his comment on Government approach to subsidy! But it is the OBIdient Movement that disturbs him. The old men with white beards want us to remain as babies… Sorry, we are alive & conscious.

Here are some of the replies to HIIKYAATOR’s tweet:

He has not commented on the Air Nigeria-gate or the Lagos State House of Assembly Speaker’s declaration to promote Laws discriminating against Igbos. Let’s say the truth: the old man is CORNflicted – Naira exchangerate @Nairaexchanger.

The question is how the Obidient Movement is a problem to this old people…. A movement that wants a better Nigeria is disturbing this people. So, what has he been fighting for all this while? – Bethel @bethelblaq.

He and his likes have become the problems of this country. Instead of them to keep quiet and rest if they don’t have meaningful contributions to make, they keep being clogs in the wheel of progress – Ernest Ademola Ehigie – EAE @IAmContentKing.

People like Soyinka don’t want you to look at their face when talking. They want you to remain poor and timid. They’re enjoying the praise and respect the poor are giving them – OLA.Inc @HPower93887611.

These same people are the problem of this country. They only fight for the one that will benefit only them and their family, not the masses. You don’t expect the youth to respect you when you failed to respect the youth.

We are not asking more than a new Nigeria – Ndukwe Kelvin @Real_Ogb042.

He can’t talk na, because he is still eating from the bags of rice Tinubu helped him to buy – Usman Kunle Abdulsamad @UsmanAbdulsam20.

For me, I have no respect for hypocrites. Wole Soyinka is turning blind eyes to Tinubu because of their NADECO affiliation. He just needs to learn from Pa Ayo Adebanjo who is resolutely standing for equity in the Nigeria polity – LOVE THE TRUTH @PastorBOJ.

The older he gets, the more the lies hidden inside him keep emerging – Ugochukwu Nwaiwu @UgochukwuNwaiw3.

The man just sabi book, but he no really get sense like that. May God forgive me sha – @AblackNigerian.

I don’t bother to read any news that concerns him. Old age doesn’t mean wisdom – Odogwu Jeffrey @jeffoprah.

Useless professors in Nigeria even partook in the rigging! He never commented on that too – Adewale Okeyode @adewale_Okeyode.

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